Broken silenz pose
Broken silenz pose

If proper regulations were in place it would consider the implications for harnessing online platforms to end violence against women. This can include vile sexual harassment through DM (Direct Messages) and unsolicited pornographic images ( Grey, 2016). Specifically the lack of protection for women who are victim to online harassment. The lack of social media sites policies and regulations to protcet those who are harassed and verbally abused (Marwick,2018) online is another flaw of social media governance.

broken silenz pose broken silenz pose

If regulations were to take place, following that type of unacceptable behaviour that is anti- digital citizen would not be able to appear on screens of other users and influence their political views to a point where they themselves become abusive to others online. For example, Twitter and Facebook have allowed accounts such as former US President Trump who was infamous for misleading and abusive content. Thus, it can be a potential danger to others and create bias and prejudices against those who oppose their beliefs and stances. Polairizng content of digital publics means they only view a certain type of constant consistently, and ultimately shapes their views, opinions and political affiliations subtly. Serving content that keep users scrolling and unwarranted exposure to radical posts is a technique that platforms use to leverage users data (Gosh,2021). This is where platforms use comprehensive algorithms to setup content based on information collected from users. Due to the intesene generation of content on social media platforms, it is difficult to supervise what is shared, posted or directed to other users and even more difficult to hold participants accountable (Merrow, 2018).Additionally, Social media users have limited control over the content they view. While most popular social media platforms are user-generated such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook these platforms assume no responsibility for what their users produce and thus are exempt from the legal regulations and laws such as defamation (Merrow, 2021).

broken silenz pose

A loop hole in the social media realm is figuring out if we really do have effective regulation frameworks in place that guide all digital citizens to abide by to have healthy online communications, and the correct legal repercussions for those who violate regulations. The prevalence of social media and lack of regulation due to the intensification of content, leaves room for unwarranted abuse and those who are counter digital citizens that utilise fake accounts, to harass and terrorise others online ( Hunt, 2016).

Broken silenz pose